Kirstine Szifris

Message to Members from UKES President 

From 13th June until 5th July, Fiona Larner will take on the role of Interim President of the UK Evaluation Society.

Due to a conflict of interest with my job in the civil service, during this pre-election period I will be temporarily stepping down from my role as President of the UK Evaluation Society (UKES). It is necessary for me to take this action to preserve the integrity and impartiality of my professional responsibilities and allow UKES to campaign for evaluation.

From 13th June until 5th July, Fiona Larner will take on the role of Interim President of the UK Evaluation Society. Fiona started as Secretary earlier this year, and the Council has full confidence in her ability to lead UKES during this short period. I would like to thank Fiona for taking on this role during my absence.

When I return, I look forward to welcoming members to the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) on Wednesday 17th July at 12:30pm BST.

Register for EGM

Your vote to support UKES becoming a registered charity is essential to shaping our future direction.

Many thanks for your understanding,



Kirstine Szifris

President, UK Evaluation Society​